Wednesday, April 30, 2008

There and Back Again

Well, I've been to New Orleans and back this past week or so, and have had a number of chances to read Ulysses while on the go. I haven't gotten very far in, but have made it through the Stephen Dedalus portion of the book, and on to the first Bloom chapter. The difficulty varied from segment to segment; out of the bunch, I was clearest on the action of the second Dedalus and first Bloom chapters. The third Dedalus chapter is a doozy.

I've got some questions & things to look up marked in my notes (for instance, should I know who Kevin Egan is yet?), but for tonight, I'm just writing to let people know I'm back, and I've gotten my feet wet. The water's fine...unless you're a corpse lost at sea whom the entire town is waiting to turn up in a fisherman's net, I suppose.



Alexandra Kitty said...

Sheesh. I've been meaning to contribute, but I will in a day or so -- the unexpected came up.


Rob S. said...

I know what you mean. I've read four chapters, and don't want to proceed until I blog about them a little. But the blogging keeps on getting put off until I have a clear head for it.

This weekend, definitely. At least a bit of it.